Yesterday you decided to get a tattoo done because of 'WE', so I followed you there and we both did it together. When we were choosing the design, I was thinking very hard what to put on so that I don't regret in the future. I didn't want to put anything that makes people question me in the future. So I decided to put a scorpio sign there with the leaves surrounding it. Since you already decided what to put on your body, so I let you to start doing it first. The pain that I saw on your face was really heart breaking. During that time, I really felt that you love 'WE' very much and I didn't want to interfere it. The symbol on our body may be on the same placing but it both represents different meanings. Your symbol represents 'WE' but mine represents us. Initially, the idea of me getting it, is because I want to experience the pain that you have during the process of doing it and for the sake of my broken heart. But the truth is, it is mainly because of you and not anyone else. If it wasn't for you and with you, I wouldn't have the courage to do it at all. I kept convincing myself that it was for him and I want to remember the pain I had for this symbol but after awhile when I think again, it is actually more for you than him. I named it Garden of Scorpio because it represents us. It is our horoscope sign and we did it together.
WE anchor

- I Do Cherish You